Positioning culture at the heart of planning and place-shaping for North Northants.

Tell us what you think is needed to ensure that North Northamptonshire is a place where people want to visit, live, work and play!

We want to YOU to take part in the discussions we've had at events and will continue to have in the future. We've posted notes and illustrations from workshops on this Blog and will let you know about future events here too- so please have a look and tell us whether the themes emerging are the right ones or if anything has been missed.

This is your opportunity to be heard - you can post your suggestions and ideas by clicking on the ‘comment’ link after each post. Your input is valuable to us and essential to the Cultural Investment Plan for North Northamptonshire.

You can stay up to date with all the latest Cultural Investment Plan developments by becoming a 'FOLLOWER' of this Blog!

Monday 22 June 2009

Learning and Skills workshop

This workshop, A Role for Learning and Skills, involved schools, HE/FE and non-formal learning institutions to ensure they play a key role in developing a cultural investment plan for North Northamptonshire.

North Northamptonshire's growth target is expected to be 80,000 new homes by 2031. If we acknowledge that culture will play a large part in attracting new residents similarly we must acknowledge issues that could also arise such as community displacement as a result of a social change. Culture, learning and skills would play a vital role in readdressing any imbalances.

The group were asked to identify areas of concern in regards to their institutions role in developing a cultural investment plan. This included:

- Libraries do not know what other organisations are doing as there is little communication between them
- Libraries need to improve and capture their visitors’ experiences
- There needs to be an up-to-date profile of the community
- A very strong participatory character exists amongst schools, colleges and libraries but there is little strategic planning amongst them.
- There is no University in North Northamptonshire
- Few links exist between creative development or partnerships and core skills in areas such as engineering and maths
- Cultural and social deprivation needs assessment
- Clear access to cultural facilities and opportunities are required. For example, where are the cultural places and spaces?
- Need to consider our national, local and international offer

A Provision Map
The group began to identify where culture, learning and skills meet:

- Libraries
- Schools/ FE - depends on the school and its ethos but includes: story-telling,funding, levels of collaboration, well-being/therapeutic programmes
- Supplementary schools
- Voluntary activities improve skill development and impact employment
- Non-formal, amateur learning e.g. Corby Radio Academy, and Corby Women's theater
- The Cube will offer learning and skills through its artistic programming

What is absent in North Northamptonshire?
- The community have aspirations but no where to go with it e.g. there is no University
- An open network for cultural dialogue
- There are local strategic partnerships e.g. Corby LSP but politics can often get in the way
- How do we build confidence with existing communities when partnerships are either good or fragile?
- Conflict management through schools and partnerships

Establish a considered system of partnership working:
- Learning without walls is a good example of transforming spaces with learning within LSP
- Need learning spaces that are not labeled as ‘learning places’. These are areas to contemplate and interact
- Library Plus- build a mixture of colleagues and partners without necessarily badging activities as learning
- Libraries offer freedom to choose and explore

How can we adopt the spirit of Library Plus?
- Full-service libraries are in development across North Northamptonshire. They could potentially also include health and well-being programmes
- The mobile service reaches many rural areas. Could part of its remit be reconsidered?
- Extend schools’ use as a creative hub
- Extended services provision: e.g. extend use of multimedia resources by increasing hours of use
- Involve young people in the design and creation of cultural services and offers- link to Young People's Forum

Going forward: What next steps need to be achieved to improve the role of the learning and skills sector in developing a cultural investment plan?
- Map the key players and identify strong leaders
- Create a local vision and ambition
- Make cultural spaces a part of the fabric of our society emphasising ‘learning without walls’
- Embed the cultural offer- what is North Northamptonshire's 'Cultural Footprint'
- Create a new delivery mechanism- capturing local identity and the people's experiences of culture
- Establish new partnerships
- Making sure information targets the right groups -using the language they understand
- The learning and skills offer needs to be more creative
- Establish best practice by capturing and sharing knowledge

If you feel you would like to have your input in the discussion please comment here.

We will be carrying out a wider consultation in the future. You can find out more information about this on this blog soon.

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