Positioning culture at the heart of planning and place-shaping for North Northants.

Tell us what you think is needed to ensure that North Northamptonshire is a place where people want to visit, live, work and play!

We want to YOU to take part in the discussions we've had at events and will continue to have in the future. We've posted notes and illustrations from workshops on this Blog and will let you know about future events here too- so please have a look and tell us whether the themes emerging are the right ones or if anything has been missed.

This is your opportunity to be heard - you can post your suggestions and ideas by clicking on the ‘comment’ link after each post. Your input is valuable to us and essential to the Cultural Investment Plan for North Northamptonshire.

You can stay up to date with all the latest Cultural Investment Plan developments by becoming a 'FOLLOWER' of this Blog!

Thursday, 6 August 2009

‘Open Space’ event

We want to hear from you!

Are you involved in any aspect of cultural strategy, activity or service provision for Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough or East Northants?

This event is to give YOU the opportunity to have your say on what the priorities should be for culture-led change across North Northamptonshire.

Following this you the participants set the agenda in an ‘Open Space’ approach that means your experience and ideas lead the direction of the discussions.

Date: 3rd September 2009

Venue:The Lighthouse Theatre, Kettering Conference Centre

Time: 1pm – 5pm

If you would like to attend please RSVP no later than the 28th August to cristina@tfconsultancy.co.uk

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Your input is valuable to us and essential to the Cultural Investment Plan for North Northamptonshire.